By Catherine Ellis No one business is similar to the other. There are many factors that make every business different from the location, services offered and the prices. A 24 Hour Hauling business is no different. The state you are in, they type of services you offer in the hauling industry, and the amount you charge should set you apart from other business that similar to yours. A hauling business is kind of like a delivery business only that you require a truck as most of the goods you are transporting are either large, bulky or in great quantities. It is a business that would be a breeze to open if you already have a truck. You will however have to change its insurance from personal to commercial auto insurance. For instance, you could venture into a business that you have seen someone else excel in if theirs is the only delivery business in the state. Their business also needs to be overwhelmed with work and are not able to deliver for all their customers at a time. Then...