By Peter Smith There are many consumers who wish to add to their income or to receive an additional flow of cash to support everyday living. With simple tips to make money with Neobux it provides the opportunity to achieve financial relief without having to spend a great deal of cash to initiate the program. Focusing on key strategies can help you start a residual income online. When looking to make money, the Neobux site is a PTC platform that enables one to earn based on clicking per advert. The advertisers will pay the Neobux company for the promotional platform and reach a number of users. The greater the number of adverts that are clicked the more profits that can be made including $0.01 per click. Clicking every advert may not generate large amounts of cash initially, but there are a few strategies that can be followed to achieve a residual income. When looking to make money with PTC it is best to apply a specific approach and implement patience to build on finances. Th...