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3 Necessary Steps To Win Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

By Alex Peters

The emotional pain and torment of a breakup can be difficult on even the toughest guys. You would probably prefer physical pain over what you may be going through. At least you would have some sort of idea of how quickly you would heal and a doctor could tell you what to do to speed the process. The torment comes from knowing exactly what will end your pain. If your girlfriend or wife would simply give you a second chance then the path to healing would be simple. You would have something to do. You would have a goal and you would come up with a plan to bring the two of you back together again.

There really is no difference between a breakup with a woman that was your wife and a woman that was your girlfriend. Many people say that having your wife leave you is more painful but this would be like comparing losing an arm to losing a leg. Both of them hurt and in both cases it is necessary to deal with the pain and restore the lost limb or, in this case, the lost partner. The sooner you are able to deal with the loss and restore the connection, the better. This logical sort of thinking is what will help you to get your ex back as quickly as possible. We are going to talk about the same methods that the military uses to help soldiers deal with stress after battle. You will see that these proven techniques will help you to heal and move forward with your life and prepare you for the process of getting back together with your girlfriend or wife in the shortest time possible.

Initially, you might want to grieve or mourn the death of your relationship. This is understandable and encouraged. Set aside some time to be upset, angry, hurt and emotional about your breakup. Don't let yourself dwell too long upon these emotions and set a time limit on this grieving process. Once you have grieved for a day or so, you are going to debrief. You are going to give yourself a factual account of what happened in your relationship. You will remember what went well and what went wrong. You will recount what you did wrong as well as what your ex did wrong. You will remember moments when you felt that you had seen progress in the right direction and you're going to do all of this without emotion or judgement. Throughout this process, you are going to put everything in the past and put it to rest.

Putting events of the past where they belong is important. Often we try to fix things by reliving the past. We mourn the loss and beat our self up wishing that we had done things differently. We can't go back. We can only go forward. There should be a certain freedom that you will feel once you decompress and debrief from what happened. There's nothing you can do about the past other than to make sure that you don't make the same mistakes again.

In the next step you will be rebuilding yourself back into the man that you once were, but better. You have been through a lot so you deserve to be treated well. This means taking some time to decompress and enjoy your life for a short while before it is time to get back to work. This is called rest and relaxation. Do the things that make you happy and which make life worth living. Rest assured in knowing that you have the ability to get your girlfriend or wife back but right now is your moment to do some things that bring a smile to your face.

Be careful and try to avoid many of the antics that most soldiers go through when they're on leave. Avoid drinking too much since this often leads to text messaging or calling your ex. Alcohol is a depressant and while you might feel awesome at the beginning of the night, there's a good chance that you could become melancholy and do something crazy like call your ex to tell her how much you love her or show up at her house. During this phase you want to avoid contacting your ex. Instead, think of blowing off some steam by spending time with your friends or getting out of town for a long weekend. Go to the beach or the mountains or wherever it is that you go to recharge your batteries.

When you return, it will be time to rebuild yourself and your life. You must focus on your mental strength, your emotional strength as well as your physical body. Take advantage of this time apart from your girlfriend or wife. Take a closer look at how she behaves, acts, feels and loves. Learn a little bit about female psychology and begin to understand why women behave the way that they do when they're in a relationship. Look at this as intelligence gathering. We, as men, are logical and calculating in how we perform tasks and solve problems. Women are emotional and driven by their feelings and instincts. Once you understand this, you will be better prepared to win her back in a stealthy yet effective manner.

Getting your girlfriend or wife back might seem impossible at this moment but, as you can see, it is a simple process of moving past the pain and hurt, rebuilding yourself and then understanding and doing those things that will attract her again. You have the advantage in this situation. You have a logical mind. Once you remove the emotion from the situation you will be able to think logically again and then do the things that will bring her back while avoiding the situations that will push her away. Keep all of this in mind when you're tempted to get upset or do something crazy to get her back. There is power in keeping a cool mind and a level head when dealing with your girlfriend or wife. You can do this. You can get her back.

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