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Science And History Answer: Is The Bible True

By Marlene Blevins

It's a dismal fact that one generation generally knows little about those that came before, even the one immediately preceding it. This is why even significant people and events can be quickly forgotten, and the lessons of history must be learned over and over again. A shining example of this is that people still ask the question: 'Is the Bible true?' even though this is the best-documented book ever.

More and more, anthropologists and archaeologists use the writings of the Hebrews to understand ancient times and races. The accounts, called by Christians the Old Testament, become increasingly important as new discoveries are made. In 2005, guided by Old Testament accounts, an archaeologist found the remains of King David's palace. The very existence of Israel's most famous king was not confirmed until his name was found on an ancient stone discovered in 1993.

Science also tells us the truth of scripture. Long before scientists had the tools to evaluate earth's position, the Bible told us that it was round. This statement comes from the book of the prophet Isaiah, written some 700 years before the birth of Jesus. Official doctrine that the earth was flat was accepted until well into the 15th century.

The Book of Job is considered by many to be poetic in nature rather than historical, as much of the Bible is. However, there are many scientific facts in this account of a man tried beyond normal human endurance. The book tells us that fresh-water springs exist on the ocean floor, that light is made up of many colors and can be separated (as we know from the spectrum), and that plants make food from sunshine, a process we now call photosynthesis.

Today it's almost automatic to say that those who believe in the truth of scripture ignore the evidence of science. However, the reverse is actually true. Those who cling to 'random chance' theories and macro-evolution are ignoring things like the discovery of DNA. Scientists often begin to wonder about things they read in the scriptures. One example is Matthew Maury, who became intrigued by the 'paths of the sea' in Psalm 8. A sailor familiar with the world's oceans, he began to look for these and found the Gulf Stream (not a new discovery but new for him).

As for archaeology, the Old Testament has long been used as the most accurate historical guide to ancient civilizations. Even the prestigious Smithsonian Institute declares those Hebrew texts to be more accurate than Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek records. Recent discoveries continue to validate the scriptures.

Anthropologists who study ancient civilizations have also found the scriptures to be authentic and reliable. By deciphering the monuments and inscriptions of ancient peoples, experts have traced the existence of Israel as a people and a nation for over 3,000 years. No other people group has been so coherent or enduring. From a purely secular viewpoint, this book is remarkable in its records of ancient times and its predictions of future events. This lends credibility to its spiritual content.

The study of scripture to prove its truth is called Apologetics. This fascinating subject gained new impetus when the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, analyzed, and found to authenticate the translations that had come down through the ages.

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