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Catholic Views On Matters Of Marriage

By Mark Gibson

Catholics view marriage as a gift from God. A lot of teachings about marriage are done in the church. They teach about marriage in the following main elements, marriage brings together the husband and wife in mutual love and faithfulness, marriage gives the couple an opportunity to give life, it is a way of responding to Gods call for holiness and through marriage the love of Christ is shown. This article will continue to highlight different dimensions of catholic views on marriage.

Marriage is viewed as sacrament. Reason being it has its roots from the saving mystery of Christ. It is through marriage that love grows and children born. This love gives holiness and external life. Family love cannot be if a marriage never happened, it manifests how God loves us.

Marriage is also seen to have a certain purpose and meaning. First of all, a family is born from marriage. Members of the family form the domestic church or what may be referred to as the church of home. This is the primary church unit where daily love, hospitality, care, faithfulness, sacrifice, prayer and forgiveness starts. If a family is able to observe all he above among themselves, then it will be easy to express the same to the world.

Sexuality is another important part of marriage. Catholics teach human sexuality as sacred. In a marriage its main purpose is to express deep love and faithfulness open to a new life. Sexuality according to the church should involve, a lot of openness and complete self-giving. It is a mystery that comes straight form the mind and heart of God, it should be kept sacred and respected by all.

Apart from a marriage leading to formation of a family, it is viewed from a spiritual point. It is a sign of love to people from Christ. It is a practical and strong way of teaching Christians about loving each other. The way a couple treats each other is one of the ways of teaching Christian values to the world.

Prayer is another very important tool in marriage. It is described to keep and hold a marriage together. Its a way of involving God in all family undertakings. A family can make prayers in a number of ways, the spontaneous prayer, for example, which a family says before going to bed, recited prayers like hail mother of Jesus, prayers made with scriptures and the perfect prayers.

Engaged couples plan a wedding on their own today. If one is a catholic or maybe both, it is advisable to make arrangements to be married in a catholic church. This is a very important decision. It is more than choosing a venue for the event and photo shoots. Prayerful and thoughtful planning in your catholic wedding come with huge blessings to your family.

To say that a catholic wedding is valid, the following must be observed, the man and woman should be free to marry, should exchange consent freely, staying in the marriage forever should be their intention and it should be done in front of two witnesses and a church minister.

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