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The Relevance Of The Eternal Salvation Doctrine

By Andrew Jones

Eternal salvation is the central theme of God's word, the Bible. Not only is the eternal salvation doctrine the central theme, it is the most important doctrine of all. Because of its truth, every person can know for sure where they will spend eternity.

The book of Genesis is the beginning of this doctrine. God created Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden. It was a perfect and beautiful place to live. Adam and Eve could do anything they desired except eat the fruit of one specific tree. It sounded so simple.

There came a time when Eve was by herself in the garden, and the devil approached her and began to talk with her. His ultimate goal was to make her doubt what God had said, and he convinced her that disobedience to God was okay. She later shared the fruit with Adam, and he ate it and disobeyed God, too. They had no way of knowing ahead of time the drastic results of their disobedience. Sin had entered the world.

From the moment Adam and Eve sinned, every baby that has been born has been a sinner. Sadly, sin cannot be present in heaven, because God is perfect, and he cannot permit sin in his presence. Each individual has a sin debt that must be paid. It is impossible for a person to pay that debt on his own. He cannot do enough good works to cancel it.

God knew that it would take a perfect sacrifice to save man from his sin. The only one who was perfect was Jesus. God loved mankind so much that he willingly sent his only son, Jesus, to die on the cross, and pay the sin debt of every man, woman and child.

All of mankind's sins were paid for when Jesus died and shed his blood on the cross. The resurrection of Jesus, proved to the world that man's sin debt had been paid. God had provided salvation for each individual.

God did not want robots who were programmed to go to heaven. He wanted each person to have the opportunity to choose whether or not they would go to heaven or to hell. Mankind was offered Jesus' death on the cross as a gift that each individual could choose to accept or reject. If the gift is accepted, the person will go straight to heaven when he dies and will spend eternity there. If a person chooses not to accept God's gift of eternal life and decides to live his life the way he wants to, trying to do his best to reach heaven, he will not succeed and will go to hell when he dies. He will be separated from God forever and ever.

The importance of this doctrine cannot be minimized. Jesus is the only one who can pay the sin debt for a person, and thereby, give him eternal life when he accepts God's perfect gift of salvation. When a person makes that decision in his life, his sin is washed away, his life is made new and he knows without a doubt that his sins have been forgiven. His soul is flooded with contentment, peace and joy.

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