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Showing posts from August, 2019

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Thirty-second ad will be shown on Channel 4 featuring ‘downstairs’ staff from series Asda is to launch a Downton Abbey-themed ad campaign before the feature film premiere of the TV favourite this month. Keeping to Asda’s roots as a budget supermarket, the TV ad campaign, which launches on Channel 4 on Friday night, focuses on the “downstairs” staff who run Downton Abbey for the Crawley family. Related: Downton Abbey movie: first trailer promises warring butlers and mega-Maggie Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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Margaret Thatcher’s favourite PR man was a master of the media who believed everyone had a right to tell their story Tim Bell was famously Margaret Thatcher’s favourite PR guru. It’s not hard to see why. He mixed a ridiculously easy and seductive charm with wit and free-market views. He operated at the height of the then critical nexus between global CEOs, top politicians and journalists. His death marks the end of a “golden” public relations era that spanned almost half a century, and Bell was one of its leading lights – and his particular star always shone brightly – for good and bad. I know something about Bell because I worked for him for three years in the mid-1990s. It was an odd thing to do for someone who had worked in Gordon Brown’s office. I was in my late 20s, had a young family and little money, and I was intrigued to learn about my supposed enemy. Bell of course knew New Labour was coming. He hated having to prepare for it, but took me under his wing with genuine warmth

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Watchdog says radio ad stating only passport or ID card needed for form not sufficiently clear Home Office officials have been rebuked by the advertising watchdog for a misleading radio advert that promoted its registration scheme for EU citizens seeking permanent residency in the UK after Brexit. The advert for the EU settlement scheme , which aired on 13 April, claimed potential applicants only needed a passport or ID card to complete the online form. Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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Many young people now spend hours in their bedrooms, perfecting extraordinarily intricate looks to put up online ‘It’s literally art!” exclaims 16-year-old Milly Provenzano, sitting cross-legged on her single bed. Her eyeshadow is like the plumage of a tropical bird: blue, pink and yellow, to match the rainbow lettering on her Pride T-shirt. On the wall above her, Provenzano has taped up photographs of her favourite Instagram makeup stars: drag artist Hungry , famed for transforming Björk into a vagina-flower hybrid for the cover of her Utopia album, and Antoinette Mahr, whose trademark multicoloured style was clearly the inspiration for Provenzano’s look today. I have asked the teenager from Kettering, Northamptonshire, to justify the many hours she spends alone in her room, perfecting fabulously complicated makeup looks. “That’s like saying to someone who does A-level art and is painting all the time, ‘Oh you shouldn’t be doing that, you should be doing something more academic.’ It

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Poster displayed near two TfL offices said car-pooling service helped reduce traffic An Uber advertising campaign in London has claimed that its car-pooling service reduces traffic, contradicting the findings of the US ride-hailing app company’s own research. A large billboard poster displayed in London this month said: “Uber Pool reduces traffic by moving more people in fewer cars”. Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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Public relations executive who worked as a close adviser to Margaret Thatcher and claimed that he came up with the ‘Labour Isn’t Working’ slogan Tim Bell, Lord Bell, the advertising and public relations executive, who has died aged 77, was the man who claimed to have come up with the slogan “Labour Isn’t Working” that helped Margaret Thatcher win the 1979 general election. He went on to be one of her closest advisers for the rest of her life, and announced her death in April 2013 . “I loved her,” he admitted in his ghostwritten memoirs Right or Wrong, published a the following year. “I am a hero-worshipper. I work for my demi-gods.” In her memoirs, Thatcher claimed that Bell had better political antennae than most politicians: “He could pick up quicker than anyone else a change in the national mood. And, unlike most advertising men, he understood that selling ideas is different from selling soap.” Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFT

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PR guru devised famous ‘Labour isn’t working’ posters that helped Tories win 1979 election Tim Bell, Margaret Thatcher’s former publicity guru, has died at the age of 77. The spin doctor, one of the founders of the public relations firm Bell Pottinger, died on Sunday surrounded by his family following a prolonged illness, a statement from his close friend and former business partner, Piers Pottinger, said. Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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PR guru devised famous ‘Labour isn’t working’ posters that helped Tories win 1979 election Tim Bell, Margaret Thatcher’s former publicity guru, has died at the age of 77. The spin doctor, one of the founders of the public relations firm Bell Pottinger, died on Sunday surrounded by his family following a prolonged illness, a statement from his close friend and former business partner, Piers Pottinger, said. Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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Football Index ad featured stars such as Jadon Sancho, in breach of rule on under-25s A Facebook advert for a gambling app featuring young football players including Raheem Sterling, Jadon Sancho and Kylian Mbappé has been banned by the advertising regulator. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) upheld a complaint against Football Index, a Jersey-based website that allows users to trade virtual shares in players on a platform modelled on the stock market. Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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The latest findings may appear disgusting at first glance (or sniff). But it’s ‘advertistics’ such as this that are the real problem Americans are disgusting. Actually, let me rephrase that: 45% of Americans are disgusting. According to a study, 45% of them have worn the same pair of underpants for two days or longer. The survey also found that men are almost 2.5 times more likely than women to wear their underwear for more than a week. Before you get too grossed out, let me stress that this study should be taken with several pinches of salt. This was not a rigorous scientific investigation published in the Journal of Hygiene; it was a survey conducted by an underwear company to generate free coverage and encourage you to buy new underwear every six months. The company does not reveal how its questions were phrased and is vague about methodology; it does not specify, for example, whether the 2,000 Americans polled were a representative sample or were just college students. In brief,

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Advertising Standards Authority to investigate whether claims breach code The first hostilities have broken out among telecoms rivals over who offers the best 5G to customers, with EE seeking an advertising ban against claims by Three UK that it offers the only “real” next-generation service. BT-owned EE is understood to have lodged a complaint with the advertising watchdog over an ad campaign by Three UK implying that 5G services offered by rivals are inferior. Related: Huawei boss: UK 'won't say no to us' over 5G rollout Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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Australia Institute poll shows wide-ranging support for crackdown on ‘inaccurate’ claims The vast majority of Australians (84%) support new laws to ban political parties and candidates from making “inaccurate and misleading” claims, according to a new poll for the Australia Institute. On Sunday the progressive thinktank released a discussion paper canvassing options for truth in political advertising laws, following reports of widespread misinformation in the 2019 election campaign and calls from MPs including independent Zali Steggall and Liberal Jason Falinski for new minimum standards. Related: Toyota distances itself from Liberal ads falsely claiming Labor wants to tax cars Related: Clive Palmer outspends McDonald's, Toyota and Coles to advertise his political party Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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Advertising has come a long way since the days of ditzy girls, but not far enough for its watchdog Many years ago, a friend’s mother asked her if her husband was going to accompany them to the playground. “No, Mum,” my pal replied, with what the cynical might assume was false brightness. “He’s seen the kids go down a slide before.” Now, in these times when, as enraged libertarians like to point out, one can hardly crack a common-or-garden joke without being sent to the stocks, she’d probably be fined for perpetuating a negative gender stereotype. Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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Advertisers, tech giants and border forces are using face tracking software to monitor our moods – whether we like it or not It is early July, almost 30C outside, but Mihkel Jäätma is thinking about Christmas. In a co-working space in Soho, the 39-year-old founder and CEO of Realeyes , an “emotion AI” startup which uses eye-tracking and facial expression to analyse mood, scrolls through a list of 20 festive ads from 2018. He settles on The Boy and the Piano , the offering from John Lewis that tells the life story of Elton John backwards, from megastardom to the gift of a piano from his parents as a child, accompanied by his timeless heartstring-puller Your Song. The ad was well received, but Jäätma is clearly unconvinced. He hits play, and the ad starts, but this time two lines – one grey (negative reactions), the other red (positive) – are traced across the action. These follow the second-by-second responses of a 200-person sample audience who watched the ad and allowed Realeyes to

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Watchdog bans VW and Philadelphia ads with bungling dads and ‘passive’ women Two television ads, one featuring new dads bungling comically while looking after their babies and the other a woman sitting next to a pram, have become the first to be banned under new rules designed to reduce gender stereotyping. The Advertising Standards Authority banned the ads, for Volkswagen and Philadelphia cream cheese, following complaints from the public that they perpetuated harmful stereotypes. Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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Government’s advertising contractor warned of scant public interest at that time of year in taxpayer-funded ads boasting of lowering power prices Angus Taylor’s department ignored advice warning not to run a $2.43m taxpayer-funded ad blitz spruiking the government’s energy policies in the lead-up to Christmas, internal documents show. The multimillion-dollar “Powering Forward” campaign boasted of the government’s efforts to bring down power prices, using ads in newspapers and on digital news sites, social media, television and radio. Related: Queensland coalmine increases greenhouse gas emissions without penalty, FOI reveals Related: Coalition changes rules to let MPs spend millions more taxpayer dollars on ads Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

Easy Ways Of Accessing Wedding Venue Los Angeles

By Christine Bailey When choosing venues, several people tend to forget the needs of their guests. This leads many people to have an uncomfortable stay, and hardly enjoy the ceremony. Many occasions like weddings are a good time for people to have fun, but if the selected location is not secure, many people tend to leave early. Start comparing several places in order to find the ideal wedding venue los angeles . Several planners have an array of venues, and this leaves many people finding a good place, which they can afford. Establishing a good place starts from consulting different providers and narrowing down the leads to a place within your budget and has offers you love. However, when one delays in placing bookings, it proves hard to obtain good results. One needs to make sure they focus on early booking since this shall make it easy, and fast to get the right place. Due to high demand, some places are not available, and one has to move to several places to get a good spot.

What Is Involved When Reinstating A Company

By Carl Kelly There are many instances in which a company can get struck off from the companies register. To begin with, it could be done on a voluntary basis, in which the directors no longer need it and make an application to close it off. They will be required to file all necessary documents. Also, it might be that the company has failed to file annual accounts as is required and within the right time. You can also have a business being struck off because it has been liquidated. In considering reinstating a company , there are various things to consider. After a firm gets stuck off, any of the assets which it owns are passed to the crown. The only way that one can retrieve such assets is when they make an application to the courts to have the business restored. Such companies will also cease to exist as legal entities. That will mean it cannot trade, sue or be sued, enter into contracts or own assets. There are a number of reasons that would require one to have a company r

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It was the bestseller that brilliantly critiqued the political power of the ‘superbrands’ and shot Naomi Klein to fame. Two decades on, we ask her, how does it stand up in our world of tech giants and personal brands? Some political books capture the zeitgeist with such precision that they seem to blur the lines between the page and the real world and become part of the urgent, rapidly unfolding changes they are describing. On 30 November 1999, mere days before the publication of Naomi Klein’s debut, No Logo , the epochal “ Battle of Seattle ” began. Tens of thousands turned out to protest against the World Trade Organisation, and the global corporate interests it represented, and were met with tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and stun grenades. Seattle’s mayor declared a state of emergency, and a massive “no protest zone”, as the violence continued, while the chief of police resigned. Reading No Logo back then in my first year at university was hugely formative; the book, mix

The Many Secrets Of Hiring The Best Air Conditioning And Heating San Antonio Professionals

By Jose Evans It is hardly possible for one to imagine a life without the HVAC unit. The equipment comes in handy as it keeps us warm during the winter time and cools in the summer. With the extreme weather conditions, it is hardly possible for one to imagine living without the equipment in their home. If you have one installed then here are some of the advantages you will get when you hire the air conditioning and heating San Antonio Company to work to your unit. When you have the system working as required, then it will not only help with the cooling and the heating or your home, you can be assured that this is something that will help you with the security. The thing is that with the equipment you will need to keep your house locked and windows closed. When you do this, then you will not have to worry about unwanted guest or buglers getting in your home. Your mental health is paramount. If you do not take care of it, then you might find that you are acting in a way that i

Advantages Of Reinstating A Company

By Diane Nelson It is not a guarantee that when a venture starts it will operate successfully for a long time. At times, the law can decide to discontinue it due to illegal operations carried out by these organizations. Reinstating A Company after dissolution will enable creditors to be paid back. This is because the court might have ordered the closure of the firm when it was not able to repay its financiers at the time. Most businesses might need to commence its operation. At times, establishments might have been discontinued due to high competition in the market environment. After some time it can be brought back to existence to commence its trade. By doing this, it will be easier to outcompete competitors since it will have laid down strategies on how to perform best hence meet its target. A corporation may also be reinstated so as to release an asset that is not theirs. Firms might be closed up when it was carrying out its operation using borrowed assets. When the busin

Basics On Reading Disabilities Carlsbad Parents May Wish To Have

By Mark Parker Reading disabilities may exist on their own or alongside other forms of learning disabilities. It is considered a continuum where on one end some of the affected individuals only show subtle signs while others are severely affected on the other end. There is almost always a negative effect on the academic performance of the learner. If struggling with reading disabilities Carlsbad parents should know several things on the condition. The exact cause of reading problems is not well understood. Some of the theories that attempt to explain it center around functional and structural problems in the brain. Some of the patients may even have visual impairment that has not been diagnosed. The important thing is to ensure that a professional is brought on board as early as possible. A paediatrician would be the most appropriate at the beginning. They will help in ruling out medical conditions and make referrals to any other specialist depending on their findings. There

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Firm has struggled to recover from string of client losses but outperforms wider FTSE 100 WPP was the top riser on the FTSE 100 on Friday as it beat City forecasts, sparking investor hopes that a three-year plan to rejuvenate the beleaguered advertising giant is starting to pay off. The company, which has been struggling to recover from a string of client losses after the sudden departure of Sir Martin Sorrell last year , limited its revenue decline to 1.4% in the second quarter. This was less than half the fall expected by the consensus among City analysts, in a rare bit of good news for investors that sent WPP’s shares up more than 7%, outperforming the wider FTSE, which was down 0.3%. Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

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Former England captain’s surprise move to Derby partly funded by online casino The Church of England and healthcare professionals have criticised the footballer Wayne Rooney over his transfer to Derby County, which involves a lucrative deal to promote a betting company. The former England captain has signed with the Championship side for a reported salary of £90,000 a week, part of which will be paid by the online casino 32Red. He will also wear the number 32 shirt for the club, it was announced on Tuesday as part of his multimillion-pound overall deal. Related: Wayne Rooney wants one final chapter of football glory with Derby County Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

How You Can Easily Incorporate In Nevada

By Edward Cooper Starting your own business is a dream come true for anyone who has the opportunity to do so. It takes a lot of planning and hard work to get the company off the ground. Lots of decisions need to be made, including where to legally register and incorporate your business. Nevada has laws on the book that make it easy to incorporate in Nevada , so this is a route you should seriously consider taking. The reason so many business owners decide to incorporate in this state is because there is absolutely no taxes on corporate income or shares. There is also no franchise taxes or equity transfer penalties. In addition, there is no state income tax, which means that you can attract top employees since their salary goes much further there. For proper incorporation that is legal, you must complete a list of steps, the first of which is simply to give the business a name. You will want to think long and hard on this, to ensure it is something that is easy for customers t

Tips For Choosing Booklet Printing Montreal Services

By Lisa Price Choosing the best person to help with your business needs may be challenging for someone who needs a particular service for the first time. If you want to have a brochure as part of marketing, you will need booklet printing Montreal services. The following guidelines will help a beginner to make the best choice. You will be at ease if you work with someone who has a good reputation as they are known for their good services. Once you have someone in mind, talk to a few people to know what they think about him. Friends are likely to give you honest opinions based on their past experience or what they have heard from other people. Reviews are also a good way to know the reputation one has. Before you can hire the company, you must check out the samples of their past work. These samples will give you an idea of what to expect from the company. Hence, if you love their past work, you are likely to be impressed with their services. Focus on the quality of the print a

When To Need A Child Custody Lawyer?

By Barbara Bell Not everyone can get their happy endings once they love a person. Perhaps other people had achieved what they want. But for some, it did not work out like how they expected. Maybe it was because they pick the wrong choice. Or maybe they thought they found the right one. Marriage could tie two people. However, when their relationship becomes something that is too suffocating, anyone can untie it so those two persons will let go. But then sometimes, that tie will stay because of their offspring. Nevertheless, you still can fight for them and with that, you might certainly need the help of a child custody attorney Orange County NC . You certainly have seen on celebrity news about a celebrity couple married for several years and then started to break up and filed a divorce. Those public icons are proof that not all love last longer. Like what others would say, forever does not exist at all. Love could last but it takes courage and effort not just on one person but bot

How To Hire The Right Executive Coaching Services

By Kevin Hayes Commissioning a personal trainer to help you in your professional or leadership life is undoubtedly a wise decision to make. However, prior to choosing such an expert, you should check certain issues to ensure that they are right for you. This article will teach you how to hire the right executive coaching services . Identify your challenges. Pinpointing the exact challenges that you are grappling with is the first thing you should do. For instance, if you are dealing with challenging acquisition issues, clear on what exactly you are finding hard to handle. Also, you should establish the kind of goals that you want to achieve at the end of your coaching program. By doing so, you will be in a better place to pick the right personal trainer for you. Hiring an executive trainer is almost similar to hiring any other employee in the company. You should first identify the candidates to interview so as to choose the ideal fit for you. To find the experts to consider,

Why Organizations Should Carry Out A Background Check Tacoma

By Amy Adams Recruitment is an important process when it comes to hiring new workers. Firms seek to hire the best candidates. The process of recruitment is therefore intensive and detailed. Job seekers fail to reveal a lot of information in their resumes and interviews. They may attempt to hide past failings and criminal records. Therefore, it is vital for recruiters to investigate job applicants beyond the face value. This is where pre-employment background checks come in. By performing a pre-employment background check Tacoma business owners can avoid hiring unfit workers. One of the best reasons for running a pre-employment background check is to determine if an applicant has committed any crimes in the past. At times, criminal charges posit a job applicant as a person who is unreliable, dangerous, untrustworthy or otherwise not suitable to be hired. Other times, the criminal charges are irrelevant to the position one is applying for, out of date or minor. Either way, a r

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In France, the culture minister has announced plans to strengthen a law that compels advertisers to say things in French Le français is the language of l’amour. But there, it appears, lies le rub. Instead of tweeting about l’amour, the French have seemingly taken to calling it “love”. They are also posting about ghosting, orbiting, zombieing, gatsbying, marleying, haunting, stashing and a host of other dating pitfalls that, you would be forgiven for thinking, can only happen in English. Not so, cried the French government. Ça suffit . Franck Riester, Emmanuel Macron’s minister of culture, has this week announced his intention to enforce, or strengthen, on digital platforms the decades-old Toubon law which compels advertisers to make sure they say things in French. Something they really haven’t been doing. From Air France telling flyers that “France is in the air” to the 2024 Paris Olympics commission’s promising sports fans the world over that the games are “Made for Sharing”, advert

Packing, Crating, And Transporting Household Furnishings

By Amanda Schmidt Comfort is what every person wants and that is individuals seek for a new place to live. As an individual, it should be done with a complete preparation and plans to fully execute it. If the homeowner finds a new place to stay and it is within the same state, it would be best to use the local movers . This process is easy to acquire however it has limitation. The distance of a place is its first qualification. Every homeowner should know the exact travel time that it will take so that they can provide it to hauling crew. It is the responsibility of homeowners to confirm if the company is qualified to meet their needs. On every state, this relocating process is being offered to everyone. Every customer has the freedom to check each company who offers hauling and choose the most appropriate to acquire. It is also important to know the contract coverage and the benefits they can provide to satisfy the customer who will acquire and use it. Searching of infor

A Brief Summary On Organizational Development And Change

By David King Research center preparing is gaining from a man without a moment of hesitation encounter as an individual from a progressing preparing gathering. Such gatherings typically meet without a particular motivation. Their motivation is for the individuals to find out about themselves after their unconstrained without further ado reactions to an uncertain theoretical circumstance of organizational development and change in Qatar . Issues of administration, structure, status, correspondence, and self serving conduct regularly emerge in such a gathering. The individuals have a chance to pick up something important to them and to exercise such abilities as tuning in, watching others, and working as viable gathering members. Herbert Shepard led the principal expansive scale explores in Association Improvement in the late 50s. Planning individuals to line up with changes then to break generalizations. Making a situation of trust so workers readily acknowledge. As indicated

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Research shows ‘When the fun stops, stop’ slogan did not have significant effect on behaviour A warning message attached to gambling adverts does little or nothing to reduce the amount that people bet, according to new research. Academics at the University of Warwick measured the effect of the industry’s responsible gambling slogan : “When the fun stops, stop” and found it did not show any significant effect on gambling behaviour. Related: Gambling advert ban takes effect from start of Ashes Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT

How San Diego Bail Bonds Can Help You

By Kimberly Miller A significant number of people all over the world does not know the use of surety pledges. Facing an arrest, whether it yourself or a family member may call for you to use cash pledges without someone assisting you. The procedure for obtaining the surety pledge may not be straightforward for you especially if it is the first time. You may require the assistance of the San Diego Bail Bonds negotiators. These professionals can help you save money. When you are working with the qualified agents, you will be held responsible for only 10% of the total amount. The agent will be the one to post the rest. If you do not use their services, then you will be the one responsible for dealing with the full amount. Liquefying the assets you own will also not be necessary if you hire the services of these specialists. If the warranty required is of a hefty amount, selling off some items you own, and refinancing the mortgage you took may be choices you are considering. You

Picking The Best Wholesale Heat Transfer Vinyl

By Mark Cooper The fashion industry has changed so much since the past. There are now clothes that are suited for any season. Fashion has been created by different manufacturers and the masses will decide which one is appropriate at the opportune time. Manufacturers are creating new strategies on how to convince the customers to purchase their products in the market. Some companies even hire the assistance of many famous personalities to help convince and lure in more customers. Wholesale heat transfer vinyl california is the most recommended company due to their unending passion in making clients satisfied with the products. All people must make sure they know the different materials when they purchase their clothes. There are so many materials to choose from and every individual must know what they specifically desire. The Terry cloth is generally used for towels and face cloths. It is widely made from cotton or another synthetic fiber and have loop on both sides. The classifi

How To Choose Horse Drawn Carriage Oakland County MI Movers

By Douglas Brooks Due to the increase in demand for moving services, movers have flooded the market. These people offer a lot of services to different people including homeowners and businesses. If you want someone to move your horse-drawn carriage business, you must be careful since very few of these companies understand this kind of thing. The following is a guide on how to choose horse drawn carriage Oakland County MI movers. Tip number one is the cars they use. You cannot afford to pick any company without evaluating their cars. Opt for people with spacious passenger vehicles in case the clients request you to move them to the venue. The horses must be moved too and because they cannot be moved in passenger cars. The company must have tailored trucks or cars that can comfortably transport them without suffocating them or affecting their performance when they get to the venue. The next thing to consider is the terrain where you are going to do the business. People organiz

For Seal Coating Greenville Is Worth Visiting

By Kimberly Hill After laying asphalt on a parking lot, driveway, walkway, or any other paved surface, it is important to protect it from the elements. Elements of weather such as rain, snow, and sunlight can cause a lot of damage to paved surfaces if they not protected adequately. One of the best ways of protecting these surfaces is through a process referred to as seal coating. When in need of Seal coating Greenville should be visited. Snow tends to get deposited in the tiny holes that are normally found on paved surfaces, leading to enlargement of their sizes. The result of this is the degradation of the paved surface over time if immediate action is not taken to prevent it. Liquid products should be smeared over the surface to cover it and prevent deposition of snow and other materials into the holes and cracks. Leaving asphalt unsealed also causes it to be oxidized by elements of weather such as wind, sunlight, and water. Oxidized asphalt hardens over time to become bri

Things One Must Know To Pass The Smog Check Concord CA

By Gregory Brooks Smog check was introduced as the Clean Air Act to avoid health-threatening pollutants from being exposed into the air. The law was enacted to authenticate that vehicles cannot emit pollutants. The vehicle emission systems are required to function properly. Before taking your car for Smog Check Concord CA , it should be in a good condition with all its systems functioning effectively and meeting the requirements. Therefore, there are steps you need to follow for your vehicle to pass the test. It is necessary to have your car functioning effectively before subjecting it to the inspection. Having met the requirement will help you to save a lot of money and time after passing the test. In case your car is not in the right condition, chances are it will fail the inspection, which will result in losing your inspection fee. Therefore, repair the vehicle before taking it for inspection. Drive your vehicle at highway speeds as part of confirming its efficiency. Engag

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No gambling adverts will be shown during live sport televised before 9pm watershed A ban on gambling adverts during televised sport has come into effect, with the Ashes cricket series between England and Australia becoming the first major UK sporting event in more than a decade subject to the restrictions. The gambling industry announced the voluntary measure last year , in an apparent effort to address mounting concern about the volume of gambling adverts on television and their impact on children and vulnerable people. Continue reading... from Advertising | The Guardian via IFTTT